To ask and receive messages from Spirit is a skill you are constantly developing!
I teach courses on Spiritual Healing and Psychic Development. I have grown to be able to create the classes as they are taught. I rely on my ability to channel the wisdom of the Akashic Master Teachers. But sometimes I wonder if I am focusing on the right things as I prepare for the class. I want to connect and create the class, with the highest and best in mind for my students.
As I was getting ready to teach the Akashic Vibration Self Discovery class, I was prompted to draw a card from the Angel Tarot card deck, created by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. As I focused on my question “am I on the right path with this course work” I started to shuffle the cards. As I was shuffling the deck, a card popped out and fell onto the floor. I was thinking, maybe I was shuffling too hard. I reached for the card with the intent I needed to put it back into the deck and continue until a card popped up the way it was supposed to, not fall onto the floor.
The card was 18, the Moon with Archangel Haniel. The meaning written on the card is
Important psychic insights. Events behind the scenes. Release fears that hold you back.
When I saw the card I realized this was the card that held the answer to my question.
Archangel Haniel has come through and shared many channeled messages. She is known to me as an Akashic Master Teacher.
The moon holds great significance to me. I am a moon child born under a full Scorpio Moon in the sun sign of Cancer.
Our class is on Spiritual Healing and Psychic Development.
Releasing your fears is one of the best ways to heal. Releasing them and replacing that energy with Compassion and Understanding.
Psychic insights are the signs, prompts and knowing that come to you as you move through your day and make the choice to see and learn how you are communicating with your soul wisdom, your intuition, your psychic senses, your Council of Light.
My initial intention was to draw a card and ask for a message from Spirit for the class. When a card popped out it fell onto the floor. It did not just pop up slightly ahead of the other cards as they mostly do. My initial response was, I must have done something wrong.
When I did pick up the card to see which one it was, I was amazed at the accuracy it had for me. It has for my students.
I am proud and honored to be a spiritual teacher and channel for the Master Teachers of the Akasha. Every day I ask for and receive guidance. Still, sometimes my gut or initial instinct is not correct. I assumed I had done something wrong. I assumed this was not the answer. Then I looked. Took the time to digest the card and message they shared, and realized again, I am safe and supported in the loving vibration of my Council of Light.
What a blessed message to help through the remainder of this eclipse season, the Spring equinox and of course the full moon lunar eclipse tomorrow.
I will continue to affirm I am blessed and supported as I release my fear of being seen and rejected. I invite you to join me and release an ancient fear while embracing the knowledge you are blessed and supported by your loving Council of Light.
I send my blessings to you, that you may receive a meaningful message, and take the time to allow yourself to see how it does answer your question.
The post Ask and Receive Messages from Spirit appeared first on Maggie Chula.